Awesome Crowdin 
A set of Crowdin Apps and integrations developed by crowdin people, friends and awesome community 😎
HubSpot CMS Template Strings - HubSpot CMS, Landing Pages and Blogs translationMarketing
Transcreation - Transcreation addon for CrowdinHubSpot CMS Template Strings - HubSpot CMS, Landing Pages and Blogs translationDevelopment
GraphQL Playground - Integrated GraphQL IDE for better development workflowNetlify - Trigger Netlify build when selected Crowdin event occursVercel - Trigger Vercel build when selected Crowdin event occursJupyter Notebook - IPYNB files localizationBadges & Status Images - Badges & Status Images application allows to generate badges, charts, and additional graphics for each language in your Crowdin Contributors - A CLI for automating the maintenance of your contributors table ✨Verbal Tester - Create, check and edit verbal expressions in Crowdin project with Verbal Tester application (for custom placeholders in Crowdin).Script Editor - Script Editor is a development and debugging tool for Crowdin Script.Custom Bundle Builder - Your own script to build files from bundlesMachine Translation
OpenAI Translate - Powering global language understanding with the combined strength of Crowdin and OpenAISystran - Systran NMT connectorGlobalese - Globalese speeds up your translation process.XL8 - XL8 MT connectorAlibaba Translate - Alibaba Machine Translation ConnectorTencent Machine Translation - Tencent Cloud's Machine Translation (TMT)TM & Glossaries
Simple Term Extractor - Create a termbase from the source files in your Crowdin project with Simple Term Extractor application.Translation Memory Generator - Create Translation Memory from the selected files and target languages and upload it to existing TM in Crowdin.Document Aligner - Create the Translation Memories in XLSX file format from the translated documents with Document Aligner Terms - Search translation glossaries and dictionaries right in the translation editor, no switching tabs.MyMemory - Get matches from MyMemory while working in the editor and pre-translate your projects.TM Segmentation & Alignment - Segment and align your translation memories to maximize savings and performance.TM-Town Terms - The TM-Town Terms app allows you to leverage your personal TM-Town glossaries right from the Crowdin Editor, no switching tabs.File Formats
Django Syntax - Syntax highlighting and placeholders validation for DjangoTwig Syntax - Syntax highlighting and placeholders validation for TwigRESX String Exporter - Export files as .resx regardless of your source file formatOracle Business Intelligence Publisher - Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher for XML Files Translation.CSV String Exporter - Export files as .csv regardless of your source file formatProperties String Exporter - Export files as .properties regardless of your source file formatJSON String Exporter - Export files as .json regardless of your source file formatJupyter Notebook - IPYNB files localizationFlutter .ARB String Exporter - Export Flutter .arb from your Crowdin projectEmber.js Syntax - Syntax highlighting and placeholders validation for Ember.jsdoT.js Syntax - Syntax highlighting and placeholders validation for doT.jsMustache Syntax - Syntax highlighting and placeholders validation for MustacheDust.js Syntax - Syntax highlighting and placeholders validation for Dust.jsSquirrellyJS Syntax - Syntax highlighting and placeholders validation for SquirrellyJSHandlebars Syntax - Syntax highlighting and placeholders validation for HandlebarsHubSpot CMS Template Strings - HubSpot CMS, Landing Pages and Blogs translationNunjucks Syntax - Syntax highlighting and placeholders validation for NunjucksTexinfo Syntax - Syntax highlighting and placeholders validation for TexinfoEJS Syntax - Syntax highlighting and placeholders validation for EJSLiquid Syntax - Syntax highlighting and placeholders validation for LiquidFile Convert & OCR - 50+ file formats for Crowdin. File Convert & OCR plugin to any website that allows to search selected text in the Crowdin project and translate it in-place.Custom Bundle Builder - Your own script to build files from bundlesGettext .po String Exporter - Export Gettext .po from your Crowdin projectYAML String Exporter - Export YAML files from your Crowdin projectTranslator Productivity
Video Preview - Preview the video when translating Terms - Search translation glossaries and dictionaries right in the translation editor, no switching tabs.Screenshots Uploader - Upload screenshots, paste them from the clipboard history and edit them right in the Editor.Is Crowdin slow for everyone or just me? - Internet speed test and Crowdin performance (latency) report.Suggestions Diff Checker - Compare two translations and see differences between them.Toggl - Track time with Toggl's browser extension integrated into Crowdin editor.Minesweeper - Classic minesweeper game in the Crowdin Editor.Emoji Input for Editor - A Crowdin Editor emoji list app for easy access with an extensive search functionality.Unicode Table - All available Unicode characters in the Crowdin Editor.Typing Motivator - Typing Motivator plays your SoundCloud playlist when you do translations at Crowdin to encourage you and help keep pace. If you stop translating, the music slowly fades away. You must type or choose MT/TM suggestions to keep your music playing. Proofreading Diff - Track and analyze changes made during the proofreading processManager Productivity
Linguistic Quality Assurance (LQA) - Linguistic Quality Assurance for Crowdin.Simple Term Extractor - Create a termbase from the source files in your Crowdin project with Simple Term Extractor application.Document Aligner - Create the Translation Memories in XLSX file format from the translated documents with Document Aligner for Managers - Post and manage translation jobs, find freelancers from without leaving your Crowdin project.Style guides and References - StyleGuides help translators to stay consistent. Reference files give context.TextMaster - Synchronize files and place an order for translation in a few clicks.Spellcheck Manager - Effortlessly Ignore Multiple Spelling IssuesScreenshots Uploader - Upload screenshots, paste them from the clipboard history and edit them right in the Editor.Toggl - Track time with Toggl's browser extension integrated into Crowdin editor.Raw Report Data - Export all the translation activities from your Crowdin project as a CSV file.Duplicate Finder - Find and manage duplicate segments in Crowdin project.Translation Delivery Time - Translations delivery SLA check.Issue Notification Manager - Forward issues created by translators to the right person in your team.Quick Translation Order - Quick Translation Order app allows anyone outside your Crowdin organization to order translations.Segmentation Rules Generator - Create and test the new segmentation rules on your Crowdin projects.Translation Package Builder - Translation Package Builder application allows you to create a translation package for a given set of input documents and languages.Writing Assistant - A set of AI powered tools to help refine texts before translation.Proofreading Diff - Track and analyze changes made during the proofreading processTeam Chat & Notifications
Issue Notification Manager - Forward issues created by translators to the right person in your team.
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The apps are all provided as-is and are free to use without any limitations. They are hosted by Crowdin and have been reviewed by their team, who also have access to the source code. It is important to note that Awesome Crowdin is not a formal organization or legal entity.